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4 exercise and fitness tips to improve your health | Health care & fitness

4 exercise and fitness tips to improve your health | Health care & fitness

Exercise is a great way to keep your body and mind healthy. However, people sometimes make mistakes while trying to get in shape. Even realizing it without . If you're trying to start your fitness journey or if you're already active, you may be making common exercise mistakes.

Read on for these five essential tips to get the most out of your workout routine!

#1 weights before aerobic exercise

Weight can be tiring. The idea of ​​lifting and running , especially on a leg machine, may seem a bit unintuitive. But if you really want to lose weight and build muscle, your body has to burn the excess fat stored for energy. This can be difficult if you start doing cardio exercises. This is because you are more likely to have glycogen (foods you eat, especially carbohydrates) in your system.

4 exercise and fitness tips to improve your health | Health care & fitness

 If you do weight training first, you can burn glycogen while strengthening and strengthening your muscles. When you get a little tired from weight training, it's time to hit the treadmill.

#2 exercising outside the gym

exercising outside the gym

Going to the gym is an important part of staying healthy, but this is not the only way. There will be days when you can't go to the gym. Fine! The way you move your body in your daily life can be as healthy as exercising at the gym, and there are several ways you can increase your strength. Daily physical activity :

  • If you're heading close to something like work, a grocery store, or a friend's house, walk or ride a bike instead of driving. Use it whenever you can move your body!
  • Find workout videos on YouTube to burn calories at home. If you don't have time to go to the gym but still want to do some intense workouts, you can check out the HIIT workout or power yoga video. These can burn hundreds of calories in one exercise, and all you need is a computer.
  • Strengthen your core at work, sofa or bed. This may sound silly, but it works. The transverse abdominal muscles are the deepest abs in the body. They are under all other muscle groups in the abdomen and are a key factor in getting a flat belly. One of the easiest exercises you can do to stiffen these muscles is to suck your belly as much as possible (think of touching your belly to your spine). This can be done anytime, anywhere, and you can feel better while connecting to Netflix.

#3 Replace your regular water bottle with CBD

water bottle with CBD

You may think: CBD water? I have never heard of

Most CBDs are usually in the form of edible product liquids, capsules, or spiders. However, a new brand of CBD infusion is on the market and has potential benefits for fitness enthusiasts.

CBD water is important when you sweat a lot in the gym as electrolytes are injected for effective hydration. It's also full of vitamin B12 (which plays an important role in regulating metabolism and breaking down food).

CBD is also a known anti-inflammatory and can be used to soothe pain and injured muscles after exercise. If you are looking for a new alternative to sports drinks with more physical and mental benefits, try this.

#4 don't forget to warm up and cool down

warm up

Warming up and cooling down should be an integral part of your fitness routine to keep your body healthy and injury free. Especially when it comes to cardio workouts, warm-ups and cool-downs not only prepare and calm your muscles, they control your heart rate and help your body adapt to your workout routine.

Warming up before cardio workouts (or intense weightlifting sessions) will stretch your muscles and prepare your body for more intense workouts. If you don't do proper warm-up, you risk pulling your muscles and they can hurt more after exercise. Warming up also gradually increases your heart rate instead of sudden spikes that can damage your circulatory system.

Cooling is equally important, but the reasons are slightly different. Cooling is especially important to prevent dizziness and nausea at the end of strenuous exercise. If you don't allow your body to slowly return to normal, you may even get sick or faint from an elevated heart rate and body temperature.

Treat yourself carefully

Sometimes people work out too hard. They want to do their best, so they push themselves to the limit that can be dangerous. When it comes to movement, form and function should take precedence. Losing weight and gaining muscle is great, but never your health .

Stay hydrated, take care of your muscles and remember why you do this. Feel good!

4 exercise and fitness tips to improve your health | Health care & fitness

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