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Physical fitness | health-care-&-fitness


Physical fitness | health-care-&-fitness
Physical fitness | health-care-&-fitness

Physical Fitness:

 This is the level of physical condition at which the athlete relies on the physical fitness components of his sport, which is measured by instruments and scientific tests and compared to the maximum level, or it is the ability and physical fitness. One has to play one's role in life without stress and fatigue.

Physical fitness is divided into two parts.

  • General fitness (health and fitness).
  • Special fitness (defined as being able to perform certain aspects of a sport or other function).

Physical fitness is usually achieved through proper natural nutrition, exercise and proper rest.Fitness has been known for years with the ability to perform daily activities without much fatigue. However, lifestyle changes and increased leisure time after the Industrial Revolutions make this definition inadequate. Nowadays, physical fitness is a measure of physical ability to work efficiently and effectively in work activities and leisure time, to be healthy, resistant to hypokinetic diseases and to deal with emergencies. The basic elements of physical fitness are: flexibility, elongation, speed, muscle strength, agility, muscle capacity, balance, accuracy, muscle endurance, regular breathing tolerance, and finally compatibility.

The importance of physical fitness

Its importance in terms of social, health, and psychological and mental development.

From a social point of view

It allows the individual to gain social experiences that greatly help shape his or her personality, and to satisfy his or her feelings of belonging to the group and the development of healthy social and moral values. I add to her conversation if she has her features. Through the practice of high physical fitness sports activities, an individual can acquire social values ​​including: sports performance, cooperation, leadership, discipline, happiness, good citizenship, social relations, obedience and order.

From a health point of view

Physical fitness improves general health, increases vital capacity of the lungs, increases the size of the heart so that it works with lower heart rate and economy, promotes the musculoskeletal system, reduces common diseases, especially Heart disease and obesity. Weight And it helps build an attractive personality.


It provides the individual with many opportunities to express themselves and to control their emotions, which enables them to behave well in critical situations. It also works on building a balanced personality characterized by comprehensiveness and integration, psychological balance, happiness, success and contentment.

Mental development

Sports activities provide individuals with values, experiences and cognitive concepts that can be acquired through practical activities. Sports activities develop various mental abilities and processes such as understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, perception, impression, attention and thinking

Physical fitness components related to motor performance.

Muscle strength: 

This is the ability of a muscle to use as much energy as possible. Factors influencing this are muscle size, number of muscle fibers, muscle flexibility, type of muscle fibers and psychological factors.


 This is the performance of any physical activity in the shortest possible time. Factors influencing it are muscle fibers, neuromuscular coordination, muscle strength, muscle flexibility, and type of strength.


 It is an individual's ability to maximize movement activity through muscles. Factors affecting it, good movement of body joints, muscle flexibility, and constant and systematic training. Ability to achieve.


It is the ability of an individual to change the direction of his body on the ground or in the air in the shortest possible time. Factors that affect it include the integrity of the nervous system, muscle capacity, type of physical activity, and response. Speed


This is the ability to keep the body from falling for as long as possible. Factors affecting the organic integrity of the body, the basis of balance, the height of the center of gravity, the line of gravity and psychological factors.

Neural compatibility:

 It is the ability to integrate a group of individual movements at a time, and the factors that affect them are general compatibility, which are the movements that a person performs on a daily basis, and Special compatibility, which requires training. A special kind of movement.

How To Measure Fitness Fitness

In the following paragraphs, we will shed light on how cardiovascular fitness is measured, from cardiovascular aspirin fitness, to bodybuilding, and to muscle health. Is done.

Cardiorespiratory fitness measurement

Cardiovascular fitness is one of the most important components of physical fitness due to its close relationship with the functional capacity of the respiratory circulatory system, and is defined as the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to take in oxygen from the outside air. The system, then carrying it through the heart and blood vessels and then expelling it through the cells to provide the body with the energy needed to contract the muscles, especially the muscles, and the cardiovascular fitness directly in the laboratory. Is measured, under which its subject is brought to the fore. Slow physical exertion until you get tired of measuring the breathing gases and then determining the maximum oxygen consumption it has. It can also be estimated indirectly, through field tests. One of the most important of these is to measure the time required to travel on foot and to cover a limited distance. Walking, usually a distance of 1 km to 3 km, depends on physical fitness, available abilities and the type of test used for the available time and sample measurements.

Measuring muscle fitness

This fitness is presented in terms of muscle strength, muscle endurance, and joint flexibility, and laboratories or field tests can be used to measure this type of fitness, and common field tests to measure muscle strength. Arm pressure tests are performed from an oblique position. Or the tension in the arms can be used as an indicator of the strength of the muscles and the strength of the back of the chest, and the strength of the grip can be used as an indicator of the strength of the muscles. Muscle endurance is usually measured by lying down with it through a sitting test. The strength of the abdominal muscles and the knees are bent for one minute as an indication of endurance. Used for direct and other indirect test measurements. Arm extension test using a sitting position using a flexible box.

Body composition measurement

The body usually consists of fat and non-fat parts, and the non-fat part consists of muscles that represent the largest proportion of non-fat parts, bones, connective tissue, and water. It is known that a person has an increase in fat. Not required, as this increase in fat is also positively linked to many diseases. It is negatively linked to physical performance, and the human body needs at least lipids, which is estimated at 5% in men and About 12% of women. While the ideal proportion of body fat for men in adolescence is 10 to 18% of body weight and 15 to 23% of body weight for women, but if the proportion of fat in men exceeds 25% of body weight Ho or more than 32% in women, then the proportion of fat is higher in obesity or fatness, and the proportion of fat is measured in a field and laboratory method, and the common field used to measure the proportion of fat One of the methods will be to measure the amount of fat under the skin to measure the thickness of the skin in specific parts of the body, which indicates normal body fat. Skin heat can be used as an independent standard for obesity or obesity itself. Measurements for individual or conversion are based on lipid ratios using predictive mathematical equations developed for this purpose. Measuring skin thickness requires good training and experience so that the measurements can be performed accurately and consistently. For this reason, some have resorted to using indicators as indicators. Obesity and body mass index are calculated by calculating the body mass weight in kilograms per square meter of height in meters. Divides from and this indicator is easy to use and does not require tools, but it is not very accurate Obesity or Obesity indicator because it is just an indication of weight and brick fit and therefore it is for those Not suitable as an indicator of obesity in the period of growth for bodybuilding athletes such as children or adolescents, where observed increase in height and weight, in general, BMI occurs within the appropriate range for an adult if its Age ranges from 20 to 24.9 kg / m2, but if it reaches 25 to 29.9 kg / m2, it increases. More than 30 kg / m2 is a sign of obesity, and if it is more than 40 kg / m2, it means too much obesity. As far as BMI measures for people under the age of 18 are concerned, there is no agreement. Like women, however, it is definitely without adult standards, the fat ratio is 15%.

Development of health related fitness components

Before discussing the development of the elements of physical fitness related to health, it is important to emphasize the need to consider the basics of physical preparation or physical preparation, and the rule of graduation in these foundations or rules, which means Classification in the intensity of exercise activity, its duration and its weekly frequency, so graduation is not only necessary to prevent injury as a result of stress. To properly develop this characteristic of the body. Acquisition is an important requirement. If we want to promote smooth endurance through aerobic exercises, walking or jogging, for example, it is necessary to start with low intensity and then gradually increase the duration until the required period is reached. And if we want to increase muscle strength, it can start with limited resistance, then after a period, increase it, and so on in terms of repetition, it is important that the body through exercise. Doing a general exercise that does important work. Swedish for large body muscles without neglecting stretching muscles, such as walking, jogging, or exercising before and after training. An important factor to take care of when developing physical fitness is to increase the load, which means that the training dose must be increased, either in intensity, duration, repetition, or a combination thereof. In order to improve the growth factor, for example, in order to increase the persistent respiratory tolerance after the training period, it is necessary to increase the intensity a little bit, also keeping in mind the classification rule. It should also be noted here that we do not need to train too hard to reap the health benefits, so that the volume of training exceeds a certain limit, whether by intensity or duration and repetition. Increases the risk of concussion, muscle and joint injuries to the individual. See the paragraph on the intensity of the targets.

Development of cardiovascular fitness

In order to develop respiratory health or regular respiratory endurance, as it is sometimes called, it is necessary to regularly perform a certain type of physical activity with a certain intensity and for a certain period of time. And with a certain frequency.

Quality of physical activity

To promote cardiovascular fitness, aerobics is a physical activity that needs to be put into practice, and aerobic activity is an activity that is characterized by rhythm and exercise at moderate intensity without extreme intensity. Yes, and the individual can follow it for a while without physical restraint. Stress and aerobic sports are so named because during the exercise it is done to burn fuel through the body's cells in order to produce the necessary energy required for muscle contraction. Air is a source of energy from air or oxygen and not because it is exercised in the open air, as is commonly misused for some people. Examples of aerobic activities include brisk physical fitness and swimming, jumping rope with stable and regular cyclists, brisk walking, jogging and running. Participate in sports such as football, basketball, handball, squash, tennis and badminton.

Intensity of action

To develop cardiorespiratory fitness, the physical activity practiced must be at a specific intensity. This intensity is in adults according to recent recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine as follows:

  • At an intensity equivalent to 65-90% of the maximum heart rhythm, beginners and low-fitness people can start with a intensity equivalent to 55% of the maximum heart rhythm. The maximum heart rate is estimated by the following predictive equation 220 years of age or at an intensity equivalent to 50 85% of the maximum heart rate
  • Beginners and low-end practitioners can start with a intensity equivalent to 40% of the maximum heart rate reserve, and the maximal heartbeat reserve equal to the maximum heart rate minus the heartbeat at rest.

  • The second method is more accurate than the first method because it takes into account the heartbeat and rest, which varies among individuals according to their physical fitness and age.
  • An example using the first method is a 20 year old person who wants to jog to achieve cardiorespiratory fitness and wants to know the minimum heart rate that he should achieve.

  • Appreciate his extreme heartbeat
  • 220 age
  • 200 hits / s = 220 20

  • We calculate the minimum target heart rate, which is 65% of his maximum heartbeat
  • 130 hits / s = 65 x 200
  • 100
  • So he has to jog at an intensity that raises his heart rate to 130 beats / s or more to develop cardiorespiratory fitness.

  • An example using the second method: A 20-year-old person who wants to cycling to develop cardiorespiratory fitness, knowing that his heart rate at rest is 80 beats / s.

  • 1 Appreciate his extreme heartbeat
  • 20 - Age (years) 200 strokes / s = 220 - 20

  • 2 We calculate his maximum heart rate reserve:
  • His maximum heart rate is at rest. 120 beats / s = 200 - 80

  • 3 We calculate the minimum target heart rate which is 50% of its maximum heart reserve
  • 60 strokes / s = 50 x 120 100

  • 4 we add that to his heartbeat at rest
  • 140 beats / s = 80 + 60, so he has to ride a bike at an intensity that raises his heartbeat to 140 beats / s or more to develop cardiorespiratory fitness

Using the ratio to the maximum heart rate or to the maximum heart rate reserve is an easy procedure that anyone can do as it only requires knowing how to measure the heartbeat by feeling the pulse at the area of ​​the radial artery when the hand or the carotid artery is on the sides of the neck for 10 seconds and then multiplying the result in 6 Let's get our heart rate per minute. The purpose, as we mentioned earlier, is that the intensity of the exercise of physical aerobic activity is sufficient to achieve the cardiorespiratory benefit, which can be called here the target heartbeat, i.e. the one we aim to reach.

Duration and frequency of practice

Aerobic physical activity must be practiced for a period of 20-60 minutes each time, and twenty minutes represent the minimum duration of exercise each time. The recent recommendations for the prescription for physical activity for the purpose of improving cardiorespiratory fitness issued by the American College of Sports Medicine indicate that twenty minutes It can be divided into two periods, each period of at least 10 minutes, thus obtaining the same benefits that can be obtained from the continuous twenty minutes, meaning that the benefits are cumulative, and this makes it easier for individuals who do not have a full hour per day, for example, to divide the practice of physical activity into two periods each A period of up to 30 minutes and the required repetition is 3-5 days a week. To maintain the health benefits of practicing physical activity, it is necessary to be consistent in practice, provided that failure to perform physical training on one of the days after acquiring cardiorespiratory fitness will not significantly affect it. The volume of physical training, the duration of the training and the number of times it takes with the intensity remaining lead to the maintenance of cardiorespiratory fitness after gaining it for a period ranging from 5 to 15 weeks depending on the amount of reduction And cardiorespiratory fitness level prior to reduction. When does adaptation go away after stopping physical training? What is meant by physiological adaptation are those changes that occur to the composition of the body or the functions of its organs as a result of practicing physical activity or regular physical training. Stopping the exercise of physical activity for a period of two months or more leads to the loss of the overall physiological adaptation in cardiorespiratory competence, and therefore it is necessary to take into account these physiological foundations of adaptation and loss of adaptation when rehabilitating cardiorespiratory fitness for those who stopped for a period as a result of vacation or injury and dealing with them as beginners. They have low cardiorespiratory status, depending on the period of suspension.

Development of musculoskeletal fitness

It is necessary for muscle strength training to include observing the two rules of gradation, increasing the burden and diversifying, alternating between upper and lower body exercises, and always starting with the major muscles and then the small ones. Muscular strength and muscular endurance can be developed through Swedish exercises as a way to achieve this, as it is often used. The weight of the body or limb to be developed as resistance, but in the case of availability of muscle strength training devices and muscular endurance Weight training devices are good and safer than free weights and can motivate the practitioner to continue the practice. See the note about weight training in children and young people later. Medical balls can also be used as a method. To strengthen the muscles of the body and increase their endurance, and for the sake of developing muscle strength and muscular dissolution for the purpose of health, it is believed that one group of training is sufficient, and it is at a rate of 8 to 12 repetitions for each muscle group, to be practiced 2 - 3 days a week.

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