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Fitness is health care, not sport | Health care & fitness


Fitness is health care, not sport | Health care & fitness
Fitness is health care, not sport | Health care & fitness

Recently, more and more people are looking for fitness for a healthy body and a beautiful body. However, sometimes too much exercise and unreasonable body building that hurts health has also caused some regrets.

On this, On Sang-cheol, CEO of Fitness Five, Seven, and Nine, who has 17 years of experience in fitness center management, emphasizes that fitness is needed with an accurate understanding of these social issues.

It is explained that the reason that fitness for health is transforming into a sport or a kind of entertainment from a certain moment stems from a misunderstanding that is biased toward one of two goals of fitness, health and beauty.

In fact, fitness generally refers to fitness, fitness, and good health, but in physical education, it refers to adapting appropriately to changes in the environment.

In foreign countries, it is commonly used as a word for'physical fitness',, it is commonly understood as the same meaning as'physical fitness'. In the end, it means creating a well-balanced and healthy body.

However, as the need for a beautiful body has recently increased, more and more people understand it as a sport or entertainment and exercise forcefully.

Representative On emphasizes that the role of a fitness center is important to overcome these social phenomena and problems, and that efforts to create conditions for members to exercise after accurate understanding are necessary.

To this end, CEO On opened a large fitness center in three regions, including Gyodae (Five), Shin Nonhyeon (Seven), and Yangjae (Nine) five years ago, based on years of working in a fitness center and launching and promoting fitness brands.

After the opening, this place has been working hard to create conditions for continuous training and guidance for trainers and for members to exercise through accurate understanding.

Like the recent trend, it communicates the dangers of watching videos on YouTube or online and imitating exercises, and is establishing the right fitness culture through accurate knowledge and understanding of experts.

In addition, with a thorough member-centered fitness operation, an optimized space design for exercise and relaxation, a relaxation space in the city center that invigorates the body and mind, and more than 60 equipments, including the world-class Italian Techno Gym Company with advanced functions, are suggested to be effective exercise methods. I'm doing it.

Regarding this, CEO On said, “Fitness has two goals of health and beauty, but it is not right to overdo it while damaging its health. He said, “We are running fitness with education in  as our number one priority.”

CEO On's management philosophy has nothing to do with the development of the fitness industry. According to him, in the past, small fitness in the neighborhood and large fitness in the city were a dualized market, but due to the recent industrial development and increasing fitness popularity, small-scale fitness in the form of a studio is in vogue.

In addition, if in the past it was only focused on exercise, in recent years, as the number of younger members increased, small studios in the form of total fitness combined with various sports such as golf, yoga, and pilates are increasing significantly.

Above all, the goal of members seeking fitness has become clear. It is not just the idea of ​​exercising, but the purpose is clear, such as setting actual body management goals, exercising for specific areas, and participating in various fitness competitions.

Therefore, fitness centers also need various experts, and these experts are becoming the face of fitness.

In addition, there is a need for facilities and experts in separate areas that can actually analyze and convert accurate analysis, current conditions, and changed appearances into data.

For this, CEO On operates a system that analyzes the data of members, and provides conditions for employees to study on their own so that members can manage their bodies smoothly.

Thanks to his efforts, Fitness Five, Seven, and Nine have continued to increase their membership based on word of mouth, and now Five, 1,100, Seven, 1,300 and Nine 1,800 members are exercising.

In particular, as it is located in the city center where there are many companies, the male ratio is increasing, and now it maintains an average gender ratio of 5:5, and plans to expand one more center next year.

In this regard, CEO On said, “Rather than expanding the center unconditionally, we will focus on establishing a solid system for the healthy management of members by building a high-quality center.” I will do it,” he said.

On the other hand, Fitness Five, Seven, and Nine recently formed a business alliance with Beauty, which runs the Myco Leaders, a social contribution activity meeting composed of Miss finalists as the organizers of the Miss Seoul Competition and the China Competition. It revealed a policy to begin supporting activities.

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